01423 740411

Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures module in Stedfast is a simple but effective tool that ensures these documents are up to date and accessible by all members of staff.
Education and training providers need to have up to date and relevant policies that cover all areas of their organisation and delivery. OfSTED and other compliance bodies will expect to see up to date policies.

01 Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures module in Stedfast provides a central repository which can be accessed by all staff.

02 Procedures Management

The procedures management works in the same way as the policy management tools.
Users are able to create multiple procedures, assign staff members as editors and can also align the procedures to policies.

03 Procedure Diagrams

Users are also able to create multiple flow charts for each procedure.
This is a really helpful tool to help staff fully understand the procedure requirements.

  • Who can use the policies and procedures module?

    This is designed for any education and training organisation that needs to manage and maintain a suite of policies and procedures.

  • How do this module help?

    Policies and procedures can be developed and managed collaboratively by a team of staff. The module also has a review feature that ensures that policies and procedures are reviewed and updated at least annually.
    All staff have access to all policies and procedures but only plan staff are able to edit them.

  • Do I need this for OfSTED?

    Yes – you will need to show up to date policies and procedures. For more information please go the Education Inspection Framework.
    This is also something often requested by awarding bodies and compliance frameworks.

  • Can we see it before we sign up for a trial account?

    We can offer online a free online demo of Stedfast. They usually take around 30 minutes to run through the key features. We will also support you in getting started and we also provide ongoing, free support to the system administrator.
    If you would like a demo the please use the button below.