01423 740411

Form & Survey Builder

The form and survey builder is an easy to use tool that allows organisations to create templates that can then be used by all staff.
This module has been designed to support the observation of teaching, learning and assessment as well as getting stakeholder feedback which can be used to drive improvements across the organisation.

01 Form Templates

The form and survey builder is used by simply dragging and dropping the fields that users need to complete in the form. There is a wide range available fields including text, numbers, dropdowns, option buttons and hidden fields.

02 Form Types

Users are able to create form types and then design the template that staff or stakeholders will use.
Form types can be anything that needs to be used for planning or to gather feedback, i.e
Observation of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Stakeholder SurveysTraining Needs AnalysisSkill Scans Lesson Plans

03 Distribution & Recording

Forms can be either emailed to users or can be completed directly in Stedfast.
Users can then access completed forms in Stedfast and are able to download these as a PDF report.