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Curriculum Planning

The curriculum planning module is designed for all education and training providers. It provides easy to use tools to develop, map and sequence curriculum plans.
Whether you are running Early Years, GCSE, Apprenticeships, Degree or Graduate programmes, Stedfast provides the tools to develop detailed curriculum plans needed to deliver high-quality learning and skills programmes.

01 Curriculum Plans

Users can create any type of curriculum plan. These can be simple overarching plans or detailed activity plans which align to learning outcomes.

02 Curriculum Activities

Users are able to add all of the activities that make up the programme and demonstrate curriculum intent and implementation.

03 Curriculum Sequence

Stedfast supports organisations with curriculum sequencing. Curriculum plans can be set up to record activities on a weekly, monthly, termly or yearly basis.

04 Curriculum Mapping

The curriculum mapping tools allow users to get a holistic view of the programme and ensure that all outcomes are covered by one or many curriculum activities.

05 20% Off the Job Learning

Organisations delivering apprenticeships need to plan and demonstrate how learners will cover 20% off the job learning. This can be done in Stedfast.

  • Who can use curriculum plans?

    Assessment plans can be used by any organisation that delivers knowledge and skills programmes. SchoolsColleges Independent learning providers Universities Graduate training programme providers

  • How does this help with OfSTED planning?

    Organisations that are subject to inspections by OfSTED will need to work towards the Quality of Education judgement which is set out in the Education Inspection Framework. This requires education and training providers to develop curriculum plans that set out their curriculum intent, implementation, impact, sequencing and mapping. This can all be done easily with Stedfast.

  • Does this all take a lot of time?

    No. Developing a curriculum plan is easy and can also be shared with fellow teachers and trainers. Users can develop their own curriculum activity templates which can be as simple or detailed as you want.

  • Can we see it before we sign up for a trial account?

    We would be delighted to show you Stedfast and answer any questions. We run free, no-obligation online demos of Stedfast. They usually take around 30 minutes to run through the key features. We will also support you in getting started and we also provide ongoing, free support to the system administrator.
    If you would like a demo then please use the button below.